Cuzzin Moe

Originally from the Village of Aunu’u in American Samoa, Moe (pronounced “moy” like “boy”) was raised in Waipahu on the island of O’ahu and is currently living on the island of Kaua’i.
As a student of Hawaiian studies, retired military veteran and descendent of Polynesian ancestry, Moe is cultured and genuine, and embodies the “MANA of ALOHA” in all that he does.
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Cuzzin Moe

KONG Radio FM93.5 (KQNG)
[email protected]
Studio (call/text):

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Pacific Media Group | Kauaʻi Office
4271 Halenani Street
Līhuʻe, HI 96766

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Mon-Fri 8am-4pm
Prize pick-ups: Mon-Thu 2pm-4pm