Ron Wiley, a true morning man.
I have been playing on the radio for 50 years as of August 12, 2016 and more than a quarter of a century, 27 years as of April FIRST 2016 on KONG FM 93.5. Most of my morning career has been as the morning personality. I started in Tucson, Arizona at a Spanish language radio station (KXEW). My first words on the air were “Buenos dias..esta es la “W” mas grande del todo el mundo” (Good morning. This is the biggest “W” in the world). Yes my first words in radio were Spanish for “Good Morning” and I still say Good Morning at 5 AM, 6 days a week 45 years later.
In the meantime I’ve worked at stations like KHOS, KMOP, KCEE, KTKT, KFIF, KGMB, KRTR, KPOI, KDUK, KKUA, KPIG, KIKI, AND NOW KONG.
I was part of an early effort to play music videos on television and was one of the first VJ’s in the nation. I ran a full time VHF TV channel that programmed nothing but music videos and live announcers .
In our capacity as the State and Federally Designated Primary Civil Defense radio station we have served Kaua’i with non-stop information broadcasts during the Anahola flood, Hurricane Iniki and The Kaloko Reservoir break during 40 plus days and nights of rain, tsunami alerts and other emergency situations.
Some of thrills in my radio career (besides being on the air when practically “everything that ever happened” in the last 45 years happened!) have been doing my radio show in extraordinary live
broadcasts on Friday the 13ths over the years. I have broadcast live from a hang glider over Makapu’u for 2 hours and 20 minutes, from a shark tank surrounded by 6 foot sharks, buried in a casket under 2 tons of dirt for 4 hours, on the end of a building crane some 26 floors above the street in Honolulu, and on the window washing scaffold of the same building when it was completed.
During my first parachute jump from an airplane over Mokule’ia I stood on the wing a few minutes taking phone calls on the air before jumping. I commented on the view and the thrill on the way down and took a request for a song from an 8 year old on the ground, when I landed… all live on the air! When you ask me about these wild shows I usually recall the show from the nudist park at the beach in Kahuku ( I did that show twice… “I had to go back”). I still love running around naked weather.
I am now involved in the community of Kaua`i… I am on the advisory board of the Kaua`i Blood Bank, and am president of the board of directors for Kaua’i United Way campaign, on the advisory boards of American Red Cross Kaua`i and Boys and Girls Club. I have done a little local stage acting and you can see me riding my Kauai Harley Davidson motorcycle or driving my Honda Fit in my limited free time. You might also see me at the beach with my wife LAURA and our dogs Jet, HoneyGirl ( Priscilla and Elvis have “left the building”).
Please e-mail me. I love to hear from you! I will answer your email.
Oh, and I must say: LAURA, I Love You !!
You can reach me at [email protected].

Mon-Fri | 5am-12pm
Sat | 7am-1pm
KONG Radio FM93.5 (KQNG)
[email protected]
Studio (call/text):
Pacific Media Group | Kauaʻi Office
4271 Halenani Street
Līhuʻe, HI 96766
Business Office:
Mon-Fri 8am-4pm
Prize pick-ups: Mon-Thu 2pm-4pm