KONG loves LOVE! Let’s celebrate! Mahalo to all those who nominated their Loved One.
Nominators first name: | Nominators last name: | Loved One’s first name: | Loved One’s last name: | Your message of LOVE! | |
1 | Gerald | Miller | Avis | Hirahara | To my best friend, who holds my heart through all these years. With more years to come I just want you to know I love you. |
2 | Amy | Kaleiohi | Secret | Admirer | Come at me right or don’t come at me at all. |
3 | Alexandra | Thompson | Michael | Thompson | Thank you to my alligator wrestler for being the best husband, father, and handyman we could ask for. Love you! |
4 | Kevin | Gusman | Janise | Gusman | Happy 38th Anniversary – Feb 14th. Please play “Endless Love” |
5 | Celeste | Kakimoto | Neal | Kakimoto | Our C&K song says it the best. “It’s been a long time together, and the best is yet to come.” I love you. |
6 | Weena | Kusaka | Royden | Kusaka | Love Love Love You Alway’s Weena Taylor Ayla & Allan |
7 | Russelle | Pearce | Alyssa | Cremer-Arakaki | I love you to Infinity and Beyond! |
8 | Alyssa | Cremer-Arakaki | Russelle | Pearce | Thank you for blessing me with 3 AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL keiki and 14 years around the sun together! I love you to infinity and beyond! |
9 | Tori Ann | Miyazaki | Jason | Miyazaki | Thank you for always working so hard to support our family. Emily and I love you! |
10 | Jason | Miyazaki | Tori Ann | Miyazaki | Thank you for being an amazing mom and an amazing wife! Emily and I love you! |
11 | Samenta | Jacinto | Les | Jacinto | Happy Valentine’s Day, to my one and only Les Jacinto! I love you, forever! Be MINES!!! Wishing you a very special day, everyday! Love you,Sam |
12 | Angelica | Baptiste | Kevin | Louis | Happy 16 years of love to this man.may the lord bless us with many more years of love |
13 | Bhavana | Chawla | Michelle | Miller | Dear Michelle, I’m so glad we are friends. Happy Galentine’s! |
14 | Bhavana | Chawla | Angelina | Chawla | Dear Angelina, you’re my darling kitty and I love you! |
15 | Bhavana | Chawla | Mele | Chawla | Dear Mele, I love you my baby kitten! |
16 | Jennalyn | Gomes | Makana | Workman | Happy Valentines to you my love. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. Wishing us many many more years together |
17 | Janet | Spybrook | Daniel | Matthews | For over 50 years, you have been not only my Valentine, but the love of my life. Happy Valentine’s Day! |
18 | Cindy | Reis | Derrick | Reis | Happy Valentines Day. To my Husband Derrick Reis I Love you with all my heart and soul thank you my love for everything you do. |
19 | Jusefine | Alvarado | Jaime | Alvarado | Honee. Thru Hardship w/ care turned into LOVE. WE DID IT WITH OUR HOME! I LOVE U. |
20 | Danielle Le’a | Boggs | Chas | Boggs | Thank you for all the little things you do that make our life together so wonderful! Xoxo |
21 | Royden | Kusaka | Weena | Kusaka | Love you! |
22 | Jasper | Martin | Moana | Leger | I love you! Happy Valentine’s Day. |
23 | Moana | Leger | Jasper | Martin | Happy valentine day! I love you. |
24 | George | Cardenas | Mary | Cardenas | Happy Valentine’s to my loving wife of 54yrs she’s always there my side love you |
25 | Mary | Cardenas | George | Cardenas | Happiest Valentines to my loving Husband George Cardenas, 54yrs his always there by my side through our ups and downs , I love you much |
26 | Laurelle | Riola-Catbagan | Mariano | Catbagan Jr. | We first met as kids, fell in love as adults, raised a family, and now getting old together. We’re so blessed to have each other! |
27 | Jan | Matsumoto | Alan | Matsumoto | Thank you for loving me unconditionally and always being here! You ARE the best and ONLY true LOVE!! |
28 | Alan | Balocan | Dawn | Balocan | To my wonderful wife Dawn Happy Valentine Day. Love you Alan. |
29 | Shane | Ishii | Jaydene | Ishii | You are the love I never thought I would have. |
30 | Emma | Chidgey | Linda | Pitman | Mom, I love you more!! Xox Emma |
31 | Emma | Chidgey | Jeremiah | Ryan | I love you baby cakes!! You make life so fun!! Love you!! Emma |
32 | Blanche | Higashi | Leilani,Rachele,josie | Higashi | My love is for my girls forever |
33 | Keona | Ishida | Craig | Ishida | I love you to the moon and back for ever and ever |
34 | Kathy | Bogdan | Julia | Kobayashi | We love u always. From ur family |
35 | Wayne | Laranio | Leilani | Laranio | Thank you for putting up with me and I appreciate everything that you do for me and our family. Love you so much. |
36 | Cynthia | Edralin | Chico | Edralin | May you be blessed with many more Valentines days together. Love you |
37 | Cheyenne | Sarsona | Lot | Sarsona | Thank you so much for being the best husband, father & best friend I could ever wish for! Love you! |
38 | Douglas | Moises | Charmaine | Moises | To my longtime and foreber Valentine, Charmaine, I love you! Happy Valentine’s Day! |
39 | Makana | Workman | Jennalyn | Gomes | Thank you for loving me and raising our 3 beautiful children |
40 | Jasmine | Ringler | No’eau | Wichman | Happy Valentines Day, my No’eau!!! I’m so excited to spend another Valentine’s Day with you even though everyday I spend with you feels like one |
41 | Carlton | Ito | Carol | Ito | Thank you for being my best friend and partner in life! Happy Valentines! |
42 | Malia | Delos Reyes | Julian | Delos Reyes Jr | To my soulmate, I love you more every day, and I thank God for blessing me with you. Happy Valentine’s Day Honey! |
43 | Cherie | Yamamoto | Chad | Yamamoto | Happy Valentine’s Day…thank you for your support and love. You make me a better person. I love you! |
44 | Robert | Riola | Châu | Truong-Riola | To my beautiful, faithful, loving wife. I love you to the moon and back. Happy Valentine’s Day baby! |
45 | Shan | Mission | Cliff | Mission | I love my amazing thoughtful faithful & loving husband who shows me daily & sings to me just love him |
46 | Vianne | Tabata | Lyle | Tabata | Love you for putting up with all my shenanigans!!! |
47 | Rachele | Higashi | Blanche | Higashi | Mom Thankyou for raising me. Love you to the moon n back. Congratulations on your promotion of shift manager at Seuoka store. |
48 | Josie | Higashi -sasaki | Blanche | Higashi | My mom is my rock n miss independent woman. Always helping others. |
49 | Leilani | Higashi | Mother Blanche | Higashi | My mom is a single mom of 3 and is my rock. Miss independent. Gives everything and her last Penny to make others happy |
50 | Derrick | Reis | Cindy | Reis | Happy Valentine’s Day. To my amazing wife and soulmate. I love you from the bottom of my heart thank you my love hugs and kisses. |
51 | William | Abihai | Clara | Kali | Clara has always taking care of me and our children.I’m so lucky god sent her to me.She is the love of my life. |
52 | Jolene | Alop | Gerald | Alop | I love you and I love doing life with you. So blessed to have you by my side. |
53 | Niicol | Nonaka | Dean | Nonaka | Truly i’m so blessed to have an amazing husband as you. Thank you for your LOVE and continued dedication to our family love you forever. Mysuperman |
54 | Charisse Mae | Campana | Harold | Dumayas | Happy Love Day to my fiance, the one I’ll annoy for the rest of my life. Love you! |
55 | Colleen | Coyaso | Alfred | Coyaso | Much love & thank you for all you do for me and care for me & all my mistakes for almost 50 years together. |
56 | Duane | Wakuta jr | Taylor | Wakuta | To my wonderful wife, thank you for being my forever valentines. I’m thankful for all you do for our ohana. I love you |
57 | Radine | Fabro | Jeffrey | Fabro | Happy Valentine’s Day my love. 38 years of LOVE! Blessed! |
58 | Gabrielle | Rosa | Derick | Balualua | Thank you for being the best partner & daddy to our kids. No one else i’d rather do life with. I love you! |
59 | Gregory | Stockle | Blanche | Stockle | I’d like to wish my beautiful wife Blanche a Happy Valentine’s Day! |
60 | Bessie | Furushima | Lorene | Park | Love you and your family!!! |
61 | Alicea | Borja | John | Borja | To my hubby & kids treasures of my life sending lots of love throughout the universe. |
62 | Sherina | Rodero-Workman | Bill | Manantan | Happy Valentines! Love you 😘 |
63 | Ciara | Silva | Eldred | Silva | “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:8 God was our blessing of bring us together |
64 | Joni | VanSelous | Joe | VanSelous | You are the sunshine of my life. I’m so glad I found you. Here’s to 2049! Love in bunches, Sunshine II |
65 | Jaydene | Ishii | Shane | Ishii | You’ve blessed me in so many ways possible.You are my best friend and forever true love. Happy Valentines Day sweetheart and many more with you. |
66 | Norli | Pinoliar | Allan | Pinoliar | You are the sunshine in my life, the anchor in my storm and the constant source of love that keeps me going. Happy Valentine’s Day |
67 | Amber | Matsuyoshi | Holden | Koki | Aloha wau iā ‘oe! |
68 | Julie | De Mond | Robert | De Mond | Happy Valentines Day my Love, I can’t imagine my life without you and our children. Love you |
69 | Nichole | Longboy | Bryan | Carvalho | Happy Valentine’s Day. Blessed to be in love with my best friend! I love you! |
70 | Richard | Koerte | KATHY | Koerte | Kathy Thank you for being my valentine for the last 52 years and for all the love you have given me. I love you always. |
71 | Erna | Kamibayashi | Loea | Kamibayashi | I love my son and his wife Darshell. He is my only child still living on Kauai and he make sure I’m healthy and safe |
72 | Colleen | Kaiminaauao | Kahakuali’i | Kaiminaauao | To my hardworking, hilarious, and handsome husband, I adore you and always will. The kids and I are so lucky to have you. |
73 | Charmaine | Moises | Douglas | Moises | I will always be here for you. I will be your eyes as we walk through life together I Love You Forever❤️ |
74 | Catherine | Long | Kalani | Long | You have been my best friend for the past 37 years. We laughed, cried, held each other and will continue until our last breath. |
75 | Rhocel | Basilio | Muriah | Moises | We appreciate you more than words can express. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for being such a kind, thoughtful, and supportive . |
76 | Rhocel | Basilio | Keneke | Valdez | Cherish every moment adds a layer of appreciation and value in our life and relationship. Thank you for all you do. Love you more. |
77 | Donna | Garcia | Kawika, Kelan & Zailea | Garcia | Happy valentines day to my babies: Kawika, Kelan, & Zailea. You are the reason for my existance. Love always mahmah D |
78 | Donna | Garcia | Robin | Garcia | Want to send a HUGE happy valentines to my hard working husband Robin who works for Kauai Mechanical. Love and appreciated all that you do. |
79 | Shirley | Wilkie | Jillian | Wilkie | I love my daughter and son Wesley as they have grown to be great adults! |
80 | Jlyn | Espinosa | Kylee | Espinosa | My Daughter is my everything! She is my forever Valentine & I love her very much! |
81 | Jan | Matsumoto | Alan | Matsumoto | Thank you for the best years of my life! You are my best friend, husband, and lover! I’LL LOVE YOU FOR ALWAYS! |
82 | Charles | Hepa | Maylyn | Sebastian | I love you forever. Love your Prince Charles |
83 | May | Sebastian | Charles & Cameron | Hepa | My boys are my world and I love them so much. My forever valentines. |
84 | Calah | Rodero | Kalena | Rodero | The most hard working, selfless and patient dad and husband. We are so lucky to have him |
85 | Henry | Long | Catherine | Long | My wife and I have been together for 38 years. We’re best friends. We laugh, cry and do life together. I Love you Catherine Long |
86 | Haj | Oshita | Ehu | Oshita | Thanks babe for everything love you always your the best wife |
87 | Ehu | Oshita | Haj | Oshita | To the love of my life this last decade has been nothing short of amazing thank you for all you do I love you |
88 | Tanelle | Martin | Ryan | Martin | Our dreams will come true♥️🩷 |
89 | Sandy | Gonsalves | Tom | Gonsalves | Happy Valentine’s Day and a Happy 36 year Anniversary ❣️❣️ Thank you for all that you do for me and the family ‼️ ❤️❤️ |
90 | Blanche | Stockle | Gregory | Stockle | Greg is a great husband and he does a lot me and our family. He’s a real gem! |
91 | Jasmine | Mariano Hardy | Jolene | Mariano Hardy | We will always be your biggest supporter and cheerleader and know you are so loved and we will Always have your back! |
92 | Jasmine | Mariano Hardy | Keith | Hardy | Together we have seen the world, shared laughter, tears and love and I would definitely do it all over again with you by my side! |
93 | Nani | Workman | Mahina | Rodero-Workman | I love my daughter Mahina. Thank you for everything you do for me and our family |
94 | Cherie | Paleka | Arie | Silva | Happy Valentine’s Day!! Love you Long Time! |
95 | Les | Aki | Lisa | Aki | Happy Valentines beautiful I asked god to send me a life long Valentine, he sent me you.❤️I’m forever blessed!! Still your knight in shining armor! |
96 | Shayanna | Rodero-Workman | Lilinoe | Workman | We strive to live life to the fullest and live with no regrets. Be the source of joy, love and happiness to your loved ones! |
97 | Arielle | Silva | Cherie | Paleka | Thank you for loving me like you do. I love you forever my love 😍 |
98 | Brandon | Workman | Lexie | McCarthy | You’re pretty amazing, we love you! |
99 | Lexie | McCarthy | Brandon | Workman | I love you forever! Thank you for all you do for us and our babies. |
100 | Glenn | Rodero sR | Shaleah | Rodero workman | My daughter I love you forever |
101 | Shaleah | Rodero workman | Nani | Workman | I Love my mom thank you for everything you do |
102 | Prisma | Brewer | Michael | Brewer | Thank you for being my best friend and soul mate. I love you with “All of Me”. Infinite X’s and Oh’s, Your Wifey for Lifey |
103 | Sherina | Rodero-workman | Nani | Workman | happy valentines day mom, thank you for everything you do for me n my family. |
104 | William | Manantan | Sherina | Rodero-workman | love you always and forever. Happy Valentines Day!! |
105 | Christy | Koizumi | Kiko | Bukoski, Jr., | Happy Valentine’s Day to my Better Half and Best Friend! Thank you for putting up with Me all these years. |
106 | Marcela | Hornos | Keith | Hornos | You are the most honorable Husband, Dad & Papa. You make every day Valentine’s with roses every week for me. Happy Valentine’s Day my Hon! |
107 | Bob | Lehardy | Rosemary | Lehardy | You are strong, talented and beautiful, and you are my rock. Love you fo‘evah… |
108 | Chelse | Carineo | Paka | Bukoski | Sending you lots of love and warm hugs. With you, everyday feels like a dance in the rain— wild, free,and beautifully unpredictable! Happy Valentine’s Day! |
109 | Lisa | Olarte-Mayo | david | mayo | hoooi, 45 yrs. together! Plenny peaks & valleys…Blessedly we still Happily get thru it…Always a Fun-filled Action pack adventure may0! yep…LuV U m0re!! 0X0X!! |
110 | Jaclyn | Fernandes | Kihei | FERNANDES | High school sweethearts and still in love with you! We learned a lot and still learning as we grow.. Love you Kihei |
111 | Renee | Hiranaka | Leong | Lim | I love you for all that you are and all that you do! You deserve a vacation for sure! |
112 | Patricia | Gonsalves | Leo | Gonsalves | You’ve been my Valentine for over 38 years and I’m looking forward to the next 38 years. |
113 | bailey | Azeka | Darryl | Matsumura | We love you very much and thank you for all you do. Love Keito, Miley and Bailey |
114 | Michael | Brewer | Prisma | Brewer | You are the prism of my heart and the mother of our children. I long to be deserving of your love. I love you, Prisma. |
115 | Brian | Devos | Leeanne | Nago | Thank you for 15 years of love and life and to many many more |
116 | Celeste | Daida | My Ohana | Daida/Acoba | Thank u for all these Fabulously Beautiful years. Your time is worth every minute..love u to the moon & back.. happy valentine day💕🌺 |
117 | Chelsea | Alexander | Bill | Alexander | Happy Valentine’s Day to my forever Valentine. I am grateful each day for the love and support |
118 | Shanelle | Rita | Kaohu | Vierra | Thank you for all that you do for me and the kids. We love you and appreciate all that you do! |
119 | Savannah | Kupihea | Piper and Titan | leong | happy valentines day to my Children! love you to the moon and back |
120 | Lori | Balisacan | Glen | Balisacan | I would love to wish my hard working husband and father to our son Norven a very super special happy valentine’s day!!! |
121 | Lauren | Oleary | Tobias, Autumn, | Families | I love each and everyone of you!!! |
122 | Ant | Tangelder | Clara | Tangelder | Mom!!!!! I love you!! |
123 | Leah Lei | Agustin | Rolando | Agustin | Happy Valentine’s Day, Rolando! Thank you for working so hard for our family and always being there for us. We love you! |
124 | Jan | Matsumoto | Alan | Matsumoto | I’ll love you through eternity! You’ve been such a blessing to me with your support and unconditional love! You’re always in my heart!! |
125 | Mike | Yamashita | Kiana | Bridgeman | Happy Valentine’s Day baby girl |
126 | Kiana | Bridgeman | Mike | Yamashita | Happy Valentine’s Day honey boy |
127 | Nani | Workman | Kalena | Rodero | I love you Son. Thanks for being there when i need a favor. Thank you and Calah for my beautiful grand children La’a,Mehana,Eliana. |
128 | Jan | Matsumoto | Alan | Matsumoto | I’ll love you till eternity! You’ve been my life support and true love since the very beginning through eternity. |
129 | Blake | Gelder | Ant | Tangelder | You are the best ever!! |
130 | Paris | Tangelder | Mama Blake | Gelder | Thank you mama!!!!! I love you! |
131 | Chris | Davis | Lahela | Correa | Happy Valentine’s Day. Happy 2 year anniversary. Request song: never too much , Luther vandross. |
132 | Aida | Kawamura | Glenn | Kawamura | My one and only… thank you for being in my life for these many years. I love you. Happy Valentines! |
133 | Chelsie | Defries | Butter | Defries | Happy Valentine’s Butter!! I Thank God for Blessing me with the Best Husband and the Most Loving Daddy to our 3 Girls! We Love You! |
134 | Andrea | Ceda | Andrea | Ceda | I want to send love to all my hardworking Coworkers at Ele’ele Elementary School may we all have a blessed Valentines Day. |
135 | Angela | Alfiler | Steve | Guy | You are the best thing that ever happened to me! Love u big Guy |
136 | Lori Ann | Cabebe | My | Ohana | Happy Valentines to My Ohana! My backbone, my support. Aloha! |
137 | Chanel | Calapatia | Reggie | Calapatia | Happy Valentine’s Day to my love of 34 yrs. I am truly blessed & thank God everyday for a loving hardworking husband like you. |
138 | Lahela | Correa | Chris | Davis | Thank you my love for a beautiful lunch at kiibo ❤️ And happy Valentine’s Day. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY |
139 | Bill | Alexander | Chelsea | Alexander | Happy Valentine’s Day my love |
140 | Kelly | Dolan-Sapp | Owen & Stella | Sapp | Owen & Stella, I love you both so much! Thank you for being the best kids a mom could have! |
141 | Hilary | Alvarez | Andrew | Evans | Happy Valentines Day, I love you! |
142 | Allan | Pinoliar | Norli | Pinoliar | To my love of my lifethe one who holds my heart and my soulmatehappy Valentine’s Day and I love you to the moon and beyond |